If you want a detailed book about the fat loss process (how to lose fat and keep it off forever), then look no further than Tom Venuto’s Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle.
Tom’s program contains all the information you'll ever need to help you melt away body fat permanently without muscle loss and without using drugs or unnecessary supplements.
But, be prepared to read........Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle consists of over 300 pages rich in tried and true fat burning tips, tricks and methods. As Tom says, it is “jam-packed with all the fat loss methods previously known by only a small handful of the world’s best fitness models and bodybuilders”.
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle promises that in as little as 49 days you will see your body transform right in front of your eyes!
And, it has been keeping that promise for over 10 years, since its online release………….The success rate of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle has made it the The Best-Selling Fat Loss Diet E-Book Online!
Tom certainly knows what he is talking about, as his photos prove. But if that’s not enough evidence, consider that he is a:
- 7-time Natural (steroid-free) Bodybuilding Champion.
- Has been coaching fitness models and bodybuilders for over 20 years, as well as helping your everyday average Joe’s transform their bodies.
- Has authored more than 500 articles on fitness and nutrition, including having written for many major fitness magazines such as Muscle and Fitness, IRONMAN, Men's Fitness, and he was recently featured in Oprah magazine.
Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle will teach you that changing your body:
- Does not involve taking "fat burner" supplements.
- Does not require dangerous weight loss surgery.
- Does not require killing yourself in the gym.
- Does not involve starving yourself or even going hungry.
- And, a whole lot more!
Summary of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Table of Contents
Medical Disclaimer
Ch1: Goal Setting.
Ch2: Why diets fail.
Ch3: Determining your body composition.
Ch4: Charting your progress.
Ch5: Your Metabolic Type.
Ch6: Calorie balance theory.
Ch7: Meal frequency and timing.
Ch8: Macronutrient ratios.
Ch9: Good vs bad fats.
Ch10: Determining protein needs.
Ch11: Clearing up carbohydrate confusion.
Ch12: How to get as lean as a bodybuilder or fitness model.
Ch13: The importance of water for fat loss.
Ch14: How to design effective and result producing meals.
Ch15: The necessity or lack thereof of supplements.
Ch16: Cardio training secrets for maximum fat loss.
Ch17: Weight training for fat loss.
Not only does Tom’s program cover all of the aforementioned topics in extreme detail, leaving no stone of the fat loss process unturned, but it also comes with several free bonuses, including the following books:

And finally, if you are not satisfied with the program after 8 weeks of trial, you can get your money back! No hassles, no questions asked, 100% refund.
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